Route 3
There are currently no route changes available.
Timetable valid until further notice
Route 13
Timetable valid until further notice
Route 81/478
There are currently no route changes available.
Timetable valid until further notice
Stop where routes separate
from Sun, 16.02.2025, 17:30 o'clock until Sun, 16.02.2025, 23:30 o'clock
10, 13
Am Sonntag, dem 16.02.2025 findet ein Punktspiel gegen TSV 1860 München statt. Zu diesem Anlass werden insbesondere die Linien 10 und 13 verstärkt.
Spielbeginn: 19:30 Uhr
Vor Spielbeginn:
Nach Spielende:
Please note that the effects of these route changes are currently not taken into account by the timetable information service.