Advanced departures information

Means of transport:

Information on your stop

Our departures information allows you to display the departure times for your stop in real time or download the relevant departures timetable.

Enter the stop you want to know about in the form on the left.

Alternatively, you can select it from a map. To do so, click on the symbol in the entry form to open the map.

Press the “Submit” button and the results page will show you the next journeys from the stop you require, with real-time information.

Of course, you can also print out the timetable for your stop. To do so, simply change to the “departures timetable” option at the top of the results page.

To make sure you soon find your way at the stop you select, you are also shown an overview map with various additional information.

Save time in future! From now on, the connections you selected last time will be shown again the next time you visit the journey planner.You can also save points and connections as permanent favourites. Click on the symbol to show the favourites you have saved.

Wir bewegen Dresden