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Frequent travellers: enjoy a wide range of advantages with ticket subscriptions

Tram and bus beat tailbacks and stress: Subscribe to a better quality of life! Almost 120,000 regular customers already use our ticket subscriptions. Find out what attractive advantages and extras a subscription will bring you, too.

Attractive advantages for you

ticket subscription

Unlimited mobility

  • You can travel as often as you like.
  • Use all routes and forms of local transport in the Upper Elbe transport association (VVO) network at the pricing level selected.
  • You get where you want: fast, convenient, safe and even eco-friendly.

Simply unbeatably cheap

  • Save up to 17 per cent compared with a normal one-month pass.


  • Subscribers' tickets at the normal rate are transferable. Lend your ticket to another person, for example during the holidays.

Travel together

  • Take your loved ones out at the weekend: Within the area it is valid for, the subscriber’s monthly pass at the normal rate can be used as a family one-day pass (up to two adults and four school children until the 15th birthday) on Monday to Friday from 6 p.m. until 4 a.m. on the following day. This arrangement is available all day at weekends and on public holidays. The carriage of additional persons does not apply to special forms of transport1.
  • Your dog or bike always travel free at any time.

Electronic ticket

  • Buy your TICKET once and always have it with you! It's simple: you'll always have your electronic ticket with you as a plastic card with a memory chip.
1The carriage of additional persons does not apply to special forms of transport: the hillside railways in Dresden (funicular, cable railway), on the Meissen sightseeing tour, on the Lößnitzgrundbahn and Weißeritztalbahn narrow-gauge railway, the Kirnitzschtalbahn railway, in the passenger lift in Bad Schandau and in the on-call shared taxis.

Attractive extras for you

As a regular DVB customer you can always get around at extra-low prices:

Attractive price for you

Prices valid from April 1, 2024 for price level A1 (Dresden)

Standard fare Subscription fare Saving
Monthly pass €81.00 €66.90 17.4 %
Monthly pass (concessions) €60.90 €50.30
17.4 %
Monthly 9 a.m. pass €73.00 €57.80 20.9 %

How to subscribe

You can easy subscribe online: Mein Abo (German only).

Visit us at our customer centre or one of our service points. Our staff will be happy to inform you in detail about the subscriber's monthly pass and help you fill in the subscription application form.

We will also be happy to send you the application form. Simply send us an e-mail or phone.

You can also simply download the application form here. Please fill in and send to us by post or fax.


Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG
Trachenberger Straße 40
01129 Dresden
+49 351 8570

To help us process your subscription application, please bring along an ID card and your debit card.

If you send in your application by post or fax, please enclose a copy of these documents.

Moving or want to change your bank details?

No problem! Just log in to Mein Abo (German only). Here you can manage your data and tell us your changes.

At our customer centre and service points we will be happy to help you fill in the amendments form.

You want to change your type of your pass?

No problem! Just log in to Mein Abo (German only). Here you can manage your data and tell us your changes.

At our customer centre and service points we will be happy to help you fill in the amendments form.

Are you looking for further infromation?

Further Information about tickets

Further Information about Jobticket

Data protection regulations

We guarantee that we will comply with the stipulations in the German Data Protection Act (BDSG). For further details see our privacy statement (German only).

Wir bewegen Dresden